NGS sample preparation
Sample preparation is a key step in producing high quality nucleic acids suitable for next generation sequencing and a range of other downstream applications.
Our high-sensitivity DNA and RNA purification kits, automated DNA purification instruments, and range of off-the shelf and tailor-made extraction services have been developed to help you perform even the most demanding applications with ease.
Read more to find out how we can help you meet your sample preparation needs.

DNA purification kits
MasterPure™ DNA Purification Kits generate high yields of genomic DNA from virtually any source in under 60 minutes. The technology is solution based and may be scaled up or down as needed to deliver high quality samples for use in a range of applications including NGS.

RNA purification kits
MasterPure RNA Purification Kits produce high yields of total cellular RNA from a variety of biological materials in under 60 minutes. Like the MasterPure DNA Kits, this technology is solution based and delivers highly purified RNA that can be used directly in many applications such as RNA-seq, RT-PCR, and microarray analysis.
sbeadex™ magnetic beads
Our technology solutions for nucleic acid extraction include the use of customisable kits incorporating surface-coated superparamagnetic beads. These beads are suitable for use on robotic systems including our oKtopure™ DNA extraction platform and produce high yields of high-quality DNA from a range of sample materials via a novel two-step binding mechanism.
Learn more about how our sbeadex kits can be tailored to your requirements and accelerate the extraction of your DNA.
Explore our sbeadex Sequencing Application Beads (SAB) for use in gDNA size selection prior to library preparation.

DNA purification instrumentation
Our oKtopure™ automated DNA extraction platform utilises magnetic bead extraction technology to combine high sample throughput with the delivery of highly purified DNA. The oKtopure is suitable for a wide range of downstream applications including Sanger and next generation sequencing, SNP genotyping, and a range of PCR-based applications.
Read more about oKtopure to learn how the platform is suited to your needs.
DNA/RNA purification services
Take the stress out of sample preparation with our DNA and RNA extraction services. With a range of extraction technologies to choose from, we’re confident of developing a fit-for-purpose solution that will meet the needs of even the most demanding project.
Learn more about our DNA/RNA extraction services and download a free copy of our extraction brochure.