Animal and plant genotyping assays

Efficient and cost-effective, PCR remains the technology of choice for commercial breeding programs that rely on high-throughput genotyping for marker assisted selection (MAS). But whilst PCR and qPCR are well-established technologies, a number of recent advances in chemistry and automation have increased the speed and power of these approaches. Reach a new level of productivity with your PCR- and qPCR-based agrigenomics projects, from early stage R&D and scaling to high-throughput production, with LGC Biosearch Technologies.

Achieving more in agrigenomics with PCR and qPCR

Probes and assays for PCR and qPCR

Keep costs contained and productivity high with high quality PCR and qPCR probes and assays that maximise success and minimise rework rates.

The use of our probes and assays in genotyping, copy number variation (CNV), gene expression, and adventitious presence (AP) testing applications have been validated by our agrigenomics customers around the world, and are critical components that facilitate trait development and commercialisation pipelines.

View all probes and assays
  • Our PCR and qPCR hydrolysis probes improve signal-to-noise ratios through the superior quenching capabilities of our proprietary Black Hole Quencher™ (BHQ™) and maximise productivity with innovative multiplex probe technologies.
  • Our oligonucleotide manufacturing facilities deliver high purity and lot-to-lot consistency across all PCR and qPCR probe and assay products used in agricultural applications.
  • Flexible oligo delivery formats are available as an individual oligo component or full assay in a tube, depending on your requirements.

Pick the probe technology that best fits your application

  BHQplus™ Probes BHQnova™ Probes BHQ™ Probes

KASP™ genotyping chemistry

Minor groove binder (MGB) probes

Locked nucleic acids (LNA) probes

Multiplex qPCR  
SNP genotyping/allelic discrimination    
Gene expression analysis  
Pathogen detection/viral load quantification  
AT rich templates  
Copy number variation  
Polyploid genotyping, plants      
Long probe sequence          

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KASP genotyping chemistry

Our patented PCR-based KASP™ genotyping chemistry offers speed, accuracy, and ease of use. With over 2,500 peer reviewed journal citations, the quality and consistency of our KASP chemistry is well-documented and has been a cornerstone technology for leading agrigenomic institutions across the globe.

Read more about KASP

Now available: MGB EDQ Probes 

Minor groove binder (MGB) Probes are dual-labelled 5' hydrolysis probes consisting of a 5' fluorescent reporter dye and a 3' Eclipse Dark Quencher (EDQ) conjugated to a MGB moiety. Biosearch Technologies offers high quality yet cost effective MGB oligos with a competitive turnaround time and no minimum order quantity. MGB Probes manufactured at Biosearch Technologies demonstrate equivalent performance to industry-standard MGB Probes.


Learn more and order






PCR master mixes and enzymes

DNA and RNA extracted from agricultural samples can be especially challenging for PCR and qPCR, and often require the use of robust master mixes and enzymes. Our portfolio of both ready-to-use master mixes and off-the-shelf amplification enzymes delivers the performance needed to maximise PCR efficiency and data quality from agricultural samples regardless of the input quality.


Automation platforms for high-throughput PCR and qPCR

Scaling workflows to accelerate marker assisted breeding (MAB) programs is most effective when automation can be used to drive efficiency, throughput, and operational savings. We have revolutionised high-throughput PCR operations for molecular breeding programs across the globe with:

  • Assay miniaturisation through our patented Array Tape™ and 1536-well plate consumables.
  • PCR genotyping and qPCR automation with our Nexar™, IntelliQube™ and SNPline™ platforms.

Discover our range of cost-saving consumables and automated instruments designed to scale with your operations and improve efficiencies:

Automation done right: see where the magic happens

DNA and RNA extraction and purification products

Because sample quality affects the accuracy and reliability of next generation sequencing (NGS) and PCR, getting sample preparation right is critical. Our high performance DNA and RNA extraction and purification kits, automated DNA purification instruments and tailor-made extraction services deliver high quality DNA and RNA that improves your data quality and enables you to make critical research decisions.

Agrigenomics PCR and qPCR resources

Achieve high quality data with reproducible results in a flexible, high-throughput system at a dramatically lower cost per data point. Array Tape is a microplate replacement in the form of a continuous polymer strip, serially embossed with reaction wells in custom volumes and formats.

Read brochure

BHQ Probe Master Mix in qPCR applications application note

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10 tips to maximise qPCR success ebook

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Choosing the right genotyping technology for your breeding pipeline

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Genotyping solutions flyer

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Seeking a partner for your next project?

We are ready to assist.

Let us know what you are trying to achieve and our expert team will be in contact within a business day to talk through your needs.